Racer Valento Rossi takes a little break during the race... Wonder if he still one?
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Racer Valento Rossi takes a little break during the race... Wonder if he still one?
What you about to see is a collection of videos gathered from lighthouses around the world. I wonder if anybody was in any of these lighthouses at the time. That would have certainly been a trip...
Quite the moves this small dog has, impressive that it can somehow manage to make it out of this make-shift kennel. Perhaps he has a future in the magic business...
Watch out if you are a bit squeamish you might not want to watch this videos. I am pretty sure that's not how you do it...
Out for the rest of the season! What do you think was it a dirty hit? I don't think it was that bad... We will see what they backups QBs got, that is for sure...
I am not a big baseball fan, but this was pretty impressive. This poor catcher is going to be having nightmares about this play for the rest of his life...