From the looks of it, this would make a great movie : ) Picard Vs. Vadard... I like the sounds of that!
Want more? Check out The Ghost Birds or Unbelievable Waves!
From the looks of it, this would make a great movie : ) Picard Vs. Vadard... I like the sounds of that!
If you are a fan of the blog you probably already know that this next video doesn't have to much fun involved... In fact it is mostly pain and slow motion : )
Anyone who can carry that many bricks on their head is a must have for any Masonry company! That takes some major balance...
Or this could happen to you! What a vicious crash, I wonder if they are ok? Looks like this was taken somewhere in the Middle East, but I really have no clue...
Well that would probably go to Ken Jennings, but I don't think that was all luck. Watch as this kids wins it all on his 19th birthday. Lucky punk!
Don't be an idiot and try this at home, this guy is a professional. Behold, the one second knockout...
I know I have had more than a few days where I wish I had this in the office... Pretty original idea! Enjoy the short...
I don't know who exactly comes up with the ideas for these shows, but I think we need to bring him to here in the states... Brilliant... just brilliant!
The poor keepers never stood a chance on these goals. More than one lucky bounce I would say in this soccer video... Have a look!